Kids’ Photo Challenge

Looking for something fun, cheap and easy to get the kids out of the house and using their imaginations (or even yours!) without any prep whatsoever?

You could try the…



The Challenge

All you need is a camera or mobile phone, and some keen eyes!
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Eat Your H@!

Here is a challenge for you!
How many attempts does it take for you to read through this poem in one go?!
If you manage it first time, I’ll eat my H@!



“Transcript” below!

########## Eat Your H@! – by Williarmis ##########

I really like the symbol @

Short and round and not too fat

It’s quick to draw and what’s so great;

The way it’s said – there’s no debate

In spoken word or online chat,

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Just So? Just Go!

Have you heard of the Just So Festival? We certainly hadn’t until we entered and won a competition to go! It must be one of the north’s best-kept secrets. In Just So’s own words…. “The festival provides a magical experience where art, music and literature are embedded and entwined in a beautiful and wonderous landscape” …. it is a weekend-long camping festival for families and we think it is fantastic!

The Spellbound Forest campfire just after midnight!

The Spellbound Forest campfire just after midnight!

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Seeing Red

“It’s like a red rag to a bull!”B1 bull

No it isn’t.

Bulls are colourblind – they don’t ‘see red’, so they must be getting angry due to some other reason. I have a radical theory that the bull becomes a little irate because some guy in a tight spangly outfit wearing a Mickey Mouse hat is waving a massive rag in their face – and all this after the guy’s mates have just been stabbing the bull with pointy sticks. Only a theory though – I can’t truly know what the bull thinks or how he sees. So, what is it like being colourblind?
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That Exam Pen Feeling

A4 - Revision Plan

I’m going to make an assumption here. I’m going to assume that you have bought an ‘exam pen’ in the past.

You know the situation. Due to the feelings you had the previous year of being rushed and having to cram for exams at the last minute, you are now a changed person. You have fantastic intentions of studying and revising well in advance for this year. Why, you might even get ahead of the curve and have revision completed so far in advance that you can walk, no – strut, into the exam room with the confidence that you’ll be able to answer any question thrown your way – as long as it is on the syllabus of course. But you are not going to reach that stage without confronting the most important job of all, and it is one that needs completing before all other study can commence. You need a new ‘exam pen’. Keep reading…